2023年全国高考·模拟调研卷(六)英语试题答案 (更新中)






20.Who is the woman speaking to?A. College freshmen.B. Company employees. C. TV viewers.


I'm here to help you. By the way, my name is Bryan.”只够坏All the problem s he had was a 43 tire, which was bad en oug____zhh for a lady. Bryan____el ped change the 44, making hands dirty and hurt. She couldn't thank him enough forming to her 45. She asked him how much she owed him. He never thought twice abouthe 46. This was helping someone in 47.HHe waited until she 48 her car and drove off. It was a cold day, but he felt 49 asheaded for home.Halfway the lady stopped to grab a bite to 50 at a small cafe. A waitress came overit h a sweet smile . She 51 that the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant. After theeal, when the waitress went to get the 52 for her hundred dollar bill, she left 53 .he waitress found the words on the napkin under which was four $ 100 bills-“SomebodyIce helped me out, and I won't let this 54 of love end with me.”That night when the waitress got home, she shared the story with her husband and whisperedVith the 55 due next month, it may be hard, but everything's gonna be all right, Bryan.”A. took over B.pulled up C.turned aroundD. broke downA. disappointed失望 B.embarrassed C.worried D.annoyedA. flat B.spare C.round D.thickA. engine B.tire C.car D.routeA.link B.chat C.event D.aidA.problem B.idea C.money D.factA.need B.panic C.disaster D. dangerA.processed B.polished C.struck D.startedA nervous B.good C.touched D.puzzled

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