九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三核心模拟卷(上)六英语试题答案(更新中)

九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三核心模拟卷(上)六英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三核心模拟卷(上)六英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三核心模拟卷(上)六英语试卷答案,以下是该试卷的部分内容或者是答案亦或者啥也没有

九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三核心模拟卷(上)六英语

:____.BMedha Gupta sometimes feit worried making the 20-minute walk from the corner where theschool bus dropped her off to her home in Herndon, Va.— especially during the colder months inwinter.

九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三核心模拟卷(上)六英语

Dear John, In your last letter, you asked about the activities held in our school lastweek. I'm pleased to tell you something about them. Various activities themed“My Motherland and Me”were held in ourschool to celebrate our motherland's birthday. There were several events suchas the Singing Competition and the Writing Competition. All the activities werewell-received and highly spoken of. Every class participated in the SingingCompetition by singing songs related to our motherland or the revolutionaryhistory. Besides, the students who took part in the writing competitions wrote 高一英语期末考试参考答案第13页(共4页)

九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三核心模拟卷(上)六英语

33. What mainly causes snow forests to be in dangerA.Heavy snowfall. B.Air pollution.C. Human activities. D.Animals'waste.

九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三核心模拟卷(上)六英语
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