




1.What are the speakers talking about?A.Animals. B.Weather. C.Clothes.2.What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Professor and studentB.Employer and employee.C.Interviewer and interviewee.3.What does he man mean?A.His work is personal.B.The woman should keep her job.C.His income is not stable.4.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a restaurant. B.In a meeting room C.fAt the man's home.5.What does the man have to do?


However, many teens don't pay any attention to their health, and they spend too much timeplaying online games or drinking too many unhealthy drinks.To enhance the quality of our lives, Isuggest that we should adjust our lifestyles. First, keep track of screen time by using a trackingapp. Besides, take up a hobby that can be done instead of online games. Thirdly, carry a refillablewater bottle with you everywhere and fill it up at least three times a day. To improve our health and increase our happiness, I hope all of us can build a happy andhealthy life full of good habits. 给分板:0-1-2-3-4-5--6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-1


Every crop brought us 43 to neighbors and strangers. The food was a(n) 44 to____communicate.Kids in the neighborhood, including our sons, learned 45 and gentle____(iming. When we had extra, we'd 46 it.Then,we received a 47 lesson:a gift____ ____hidden as a loss. Our firs-ever crop of pomegranates had 48 , but at harvest, they were all____gone, 49 in the middle of the night.____We were shocked, sad and 50 .One of my friends had fun suggesting we post a____51 to curse the thieves.________52 , we made a decision that we 53 need a sign, bui our sign would 54 ________sharing and community. Last fall, we had a larger crop of pomegranates. We posted a sign that55 If you’d like one, please 56 and iroduce yourself and we'd be happy to____cut one 57 the tree for you.Cutting 58 the branches and is good for future growth________so we can continue to share with new friends like you.Thanks, the Green Family. ”Today, I am happy to role model 59 for my young sons and to have been blessed with____the opportuni ly to 60 an edible (可食的) front yard for others.____41.A.scr vice B.way C.control D.chance42.A.filling B.moving C.digging D.entering43.A.colder B.closer C.more accustomed D.ore responsible44.A.limit B.approval C.excuse D.compromise45.A.suspensionB.independence C.distinction D.patience

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