江苏省决胜新高考2022-2023学年高三上学期大联考英语试题答案 (更新中)






30.What does Hansen suggest native English speakers do?A.Read books by nonnative English writers.B.Join in more nonnative speakers' conversations.C.Make no comment about nonnative speakers' English.D.Use expressions understandable to nonnative speakers.


wasIs till took the risk, even if I would probablyablyy my job.4 Aannot her player some peanuts from me so I asked ifo would like sometoo.g gio⑤ us and had me walkheWhile my legs werereachedin my pocket andOughpiM 4 thover“Mr. DiMaggio, I’ll make you a(n)d54 Aof peanuts for your autograph,the baseballHe smiled, “You're a good salesman. Yo a allandHessigned on the ball. I was in heaven.lots of money in New York.",注意:His team won that day and, even better, he had y dayTheB.selling C.baking41. A. collectingB.soda C.baseballD. makingdeal42.B.stand C.stadium D. all parkD. autograph43. A. gymB.continue C.avoid D.quit45.A.wondered44.A. startB.doubted C.questioned D.puzzled46.A. moveB.decision C.promiseD. arrangement47.A.SurprisedB. ConfusedC. Anxious D.Jealous:3B.celebrate C.hate D. lose48.A. missuC49.A.LuckilyB.Eventually C.Quickly D.ParticularlyC.ate50.A.sold B.boughtD.borrowedC.heard51.A.passedB.recognizedD.rejected52.A. movingB.standingC.walking D.shakingC.let out53.A. pulled out B.gave outD.carried outB.deal C. businessD.offer54.A. trade55.A.witnessed B.started C.affected D.made第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

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