2023届[国考1号4]第4套 高中知识滚动综合能力提升检测英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2023届[国考1号4]第4套 高中知识滚动综合能力提升检测英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)
2023届[国考1号4]第4套 高中知识滚动综合能力提升检测英语试卷答案,以下是该试卷的部分内容或者是答案亦或者啥也没有
31.What is the text mainly about?A.The introduction of the endangered insects.B.The ways of increasing insects'population.C.The effects of the declining insects'population.D.The reasons of threatening insects'population.
W:It'san Australian brand. They only have stores in the UK outside of Australia, and I thought it would befaster to buy it from the UK. (Text 8) W:Oh, this is really silly, you know?I hate this situation!M:Jane, calm down please!Don't be so emotional!W:You just don't know how I feel!Everything is getting worse because of my parents.M:Stop blaming other people. Be patient and think positively. W:You know what? They forgot to book my ticket for Taylor Swift's concert tomorrow, and now no tickets areavailable. Should I still be calm? M:Well, you don't need to be angry. Take a deep breath. W:OK. I'll take a deep breath. So what do I do next?I'm still upset. M:Next, think positively. W:Maybe Id on't need to get the ticket. I can watch it online or wait for the next time. M:Yes, exactly. You can't change the situation anyway. If you can't change the situation, change the way youthink. That's called emotional intelligence. W:Emotional intelligence? Maybe I need to learn more about it.(Text 9) M:Welcome to the Berkeley Sailing Club!Have you ever been in one of these boats before? W:No, Ive only been in big sailing boats. These boats look a little scary. They're so tiny! M:They're small, but they're very safe. Even if your boat turns over, it's easy to get it back up. W:Turns over? You mean, goes under the water? M:No, the boat will float. Only you will go under the water. That's going to be part of our lesson today.We're going to sail out on the bay, and then I'll make the boat fallon its side. It's pretty exciting! W:Is it easy to get back into the boat? M:Once the boat is up again, it's easy to climb on. W:Why do we have to make the boat fall over? M:It's very important for you to learn how to pull it back up. Because if you're out on the se a by yourself oneday, you might have to do it. I promise you that this will be a fun experience! (Text 10) Good afternoon. Today, I will be giving you the study guide for your coming exam. Although it will coverall 15 chapters of our textbooks, you will only be tested on what I give you today. So, if you pay closeattention, the exam should be pretty straightforward. As I said last Friday, there will be a total of 10 essayquestions. You will need to use a minimum of three concepts you have learned from each chapter in respondingto each of the questions. I will provide extra credit questions at the end of the exam. If you have any questions after class, come to see me at my office. I will be available for the rest of thisweek and the beginning of next week. The exam will be next Wednesday. Anyone who needs to make up theexam may do so on the following Monday. However, you must be able to provide a doctor's note or a writtenletter from your parents explaining your situation in order to take the makeup exam. There will be noexceptions. Any questions?
13.What does the man need to do?A.Do more exercise.B.Take some medicine.C.Eat more vegetables.
2023届[国考1号4]第4套 高中知识滚动综合能力提升检测英语