





第二节:阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整,(共10小题,计10分)T wo men were travelling in a forest when they suddenly met a bear. They looked around and saw a31 nearby. Both of them were so afraid that the y ran to the tree as 32 as they could. However.one of them was faster. He hid (隐藏) in the tree and 33 his friend under the tree. The other manwas 34 to find that there was no time to climb. So he fell on the ground. The bear came over, took a35at the tall tree and then at the man on the ground. It felt him with its mouth and nose. The manheld his breath and pre ended (假装) to be dead. The bear s oon 36 him because bears will nottouch a dead body. When the bear was gone, the other traveler asked, "What did the bear say in your37 ?"He said never travel with a friend who leaves you when it is 38 .A true friend doesn’t need to have a lot of know led g(知识) or be 39 at anything. But he musttruly 40 you.31.A.river B. flower C.tree D.house32. A. freely B.clearly C.happily D.quickly33.A. kept B. moved C.heard D. watched34.A.glad B.scared C. excited D.bored35.A.look B.rest C. walk D.trip36.A. found B.ate C. followed D.left37.A. arms B.mouths C.ears D.eyes38. A.dangerous B.enjoyable C.noisy D.funny39.A.busy B.stri et C. bad D. good40.A. ask far B.e are about C. bring out D. talk to


While self-care is trending these days, it will not cure burnout . 39 Their support and____cooperation can make you feel better. Another option is taking part in regular physical activitiesto get your mind off work.40 A study cited by The New York Times found that surgeons who made time forrecreational activities were less likely to experince burnout than those who didn't. A few ideasfor relaxing activities can be yoga, meditation, or mindfulness.A.As a matter of fact, you are n't alone.B.Finally, make time to do things you love.C.Burnout can also develop along with anxiety.D.Read on to discover how to deal with it effectively.E.Provide them with ideas that would help lighten burnout in the office.F.What can help address the problem is to see a doctor or meet with friends.G.If you are eating more or less than usual, stress hormones can be affecting your appetite.
