百师联盟2023届高三仿真模拟考试(三) 全国卷英语试题答案(更新中)

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百师联盟2023届高三仿真模拟考试(三) 全国卷英语试卷答案


百师联盟2023届高三仿真模拟考试(三) 全国卷英语

VII.根据句意、中文提示、首字母或用所给单词的正确形式填空。 (每空1分, 共7分)69.It's believed that tea was first (drink) about 5000 years ago.________70.To avoid (waste) food, we'd better not order more food than we can eat.____71.It's regarded to be (polite) to ask someone how much money he makes everymonth.72.As far as I know, many people are trying to make the world a place full of beautiful wishes,love and (warm) .________73.The e on Mary's face showed that she enjoyed being a volunteer. Helpingothers always gives her a strong sense of satisfaction.74.To protect the environment, my parents s drive to work. They walk a lot.____

百师联盟2023届高三仿真模拟考试(三) 全国卷英语

clean more garbage: going full circle, over and over, until we have achieved our purpose of cleanoceans.”32.What was The Ocean Cleanup's System 001/B used to do?A.Collect information of the ocean.B.Monitor the garbage patch.C.Gather plastic waste. D.Sort ocean waste.

百师联盟2023届高三仿真模拟考试(三) 全国卷英语
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