2022-2023学年全国百万联考高一考试12月联考(003A QG)英语试题答案(更新中)

2022-2023学年全国百万联考高一考试12月联考(003A QG)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2022-2023学年全国百万联考高一考试12月联考(003A QG)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


2022-2023学年全国百万联考高一考试12月联考(003A QG)英语试卷答案


2022-2023学年全国百万联考高一考试12月联考(003A QG)英语

33.How does a liar's body language give away himself?A.He looks directly at the questioner to show his trust in him.B.He keeps glancing to the left from time to time when he talks.C.He unintentionally repeats the gesture made by the person he talks to.D.He speaks slower and emphasizes the middle of the words less.

2022-2023学年全国百万联考高一考试12月联考(003A QG)英语

18.What can we know about the holiday job?A.It doesn't require any CV.B.If you want to get it, you must speak three languages.C.It doesn't provide any pay.D.If you have got it, you need n't work on Monday.19.If Harry takes the newspaper delivery job, he must .____A.work three mornings a week B.use the bike of the post office

2022-2023学年全国百万联考高一考试12月联考(003A QG)英语
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