
陈彩云编委会副主任肖俊南吴子明蔡卫红编委吴文怡秦嵩周林波第8期听力材料(Text 1)M:Look!Jack has got the ball.He's going like lightning to-wards Oxford's goal.Oh,goon Jack.W:That Oxford center half backis trying to stop him.(Text 2)W:It's a shame that you didn'twin your ternis match.M:I might have won if I lis-tened to my coach.(Text3)W:There was a storm warningon the station this morning.M:Really?I guess we'll have tochange our sailing plansWould you rather play ten-nis or go bicycle riding?(Text 4)W:Excuse me.I wanted to seethe White House.M:Oh,well,you don't wanthis bus,anyway.It goes toGeorgetown.W:Oh,no.What should I do?M:It's all right,though.Just getoff at the next stop and takethe subway.(Text 5)M:Can you spare me sometime?W:What for?I'm not reallybusy now.M:I've got this assignmentfrom my maths teacher,butthere is no way I can work itout.W:Oh,then you will have tofind someone else.Maths al-ways gives me a headache.(Text6)M:Good morning.Can I helpyou?W:Yes,I'm looking for a veryspecial gift for a very impor-tant person.M:Is it for a gentleman or a la-dy?W:Agentleman.M:In that case,let me show youthese wallets.And herearesome yery nice tie-clips.W:Those watcheslook ratherniceM:Err,yes.But the latest modelisn't available,and it's im-portant to have the latesmodel,donyou think so?W:Not.I always saythat style is more importanthan fashion(Text7)W:How long have you beenplaying basketball,Conrad?M:srted toplay inry school.Probably about 15years.I'm 26 now.W:At you best?MProbably around 20.Some-time when I was in collegeW:What position did you playwhen you plyed?M:Uh,usually guard and a littlebit of forward.W:Do you still'watch a lot ofbaskctball on TV?M:Well.now livingin Japan Idon't get many chalow it on the internet.W:Do you still play basketball?M:Yeah.I play about once a【下转报(A)第2、3版中缝】