




28.Why did the author mention the students from a local school in paragraph 4?A.To advertise the app. B.To sell the app to local schools.C.To highlight the app's popularity. D.To stress the app's effectiveness.


Text 9 M: Hey, Diana! Long time no see. W: Oh, Alex! Everything is good. I haven't seen you for ages since we graduated from college.M:Yeah.So where are you working now? W:Hmm...I haven'thad a job yet. I'm still looking for a suitable one. Are you still working for HHCompany? M: Oh, I'm so surprised. You still remember I work for H Company. W:Absolutely.It's not far from your home, right? M:Yes.It used to take me 20 minutes to get to my office by car or subway, but recently I've foundit's more convenient to ride a motorbike. By the way, you look great today. W:Thank you.I will have an interview for the manager's job at 3:30 p.m.M: Good luck to you.Is it far from here?W:No.Oh, I should go now.I have to get there early and prepare well for my interview.M: Okay.I'll return some books to the city library now.See you.W:See you.Keep in touch. (20秒钟后提示音) 听第10段材料,回答第18至20三个小题。现在你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 (15秒钟后提示音) Text 10 Language is the bridge that connects people everywhere. On April 20th, people around the worldcelebrated the United Nations Chinese Language Day. To celebrate the event, the UN Office at Geneva,Switzerland, organized the first Chinese Language Video Festival. Participants from 27 countries, includingthe US, the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Japan shared their love for the Chinese Language and culturethrough short videos. Over 340 videos told stories about a civilized, modern and youthful China throughtheir personal experiences in the country. Though some people find the language difficult to learn, mostfind it to be beneficial. M.Yousaf from Pakistan said, “Learning Chinese is not just learning a language. Ifyou know this language, you know the civilization, and the mind of the people.”Yer dana, a formerinternational student from Kazakhstan, found that it was important to use his imagination when learningChinese.“For example, the Chinese character for‘tea has those lines of grass, the roof of a house andpeople drinking tea.” (15秒钟后提示音) 第二节到此结束,现在你有2分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。(2分钟后提示音)


1.What does the woman ask the man to do?6A. Treat her toothache.B. Introduce his cousin to her.C. Recommend a tooth doctor to he2. What do the speakers suggest
