
第一节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中逃出可以入空白处的街选项。Have you heard of the story of Shackleton and his team travelling to the Antarctic?If you 4l mcet Feng Jing,you might not 2 this slim woman with anAntarctica adventure.When she proposed'to hike across Antarctica in 2014,almost no polar43 thought it was possible because she had no skiing expericnce.One famous guide PaulLandry,44,was moved by her45,and she soon began the laborious five-yeartraining without hesitation.The destination,the Pole of Inaccessibility (POI),is the most i6 point from theAntarctica coastline.For many,there was no point covcring over-1,800 kilometers from thecoast to the POI to see just a(n)station,but the POI was the Antarctica of her mind.There,Mother Nature rules.Humans can reach it but never 48 it.During the joumey,she also 49 mascots of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games,Bing DwenDwen,to50the moment.51 going to Antarctica,Feng had visited around 130 countrics and regions.Her52about Antarctica could never be salisfied with 53 a simple cruisc )"Ibelieved in each step and every mctcr.Each step will get you closer to your54.Eachmcter 55 ,"said Feng.41.A.happen toB.manage toC.resolve toD.intend to42.A.integrateB.compareC.associateD.reward43.A.messengerB.guideC.navigatorD.minister44.A.thereforeB.moreoverC.meanwhilcD.however45.A.innocenceB.insistenceC.competenceD.intelligence46.A.closeB.widespreadC.distanlD.conventional47.A.desertedB.solidC.abstractD.clcgant48.A.infectB,defendC,transformD.conquer49.A.took alongB.picked upC.gave awayD.put aside50.A.captureB.witnessC.recordD.cncounter.1.A.AfterB.BeforcC.WhileD.When2.A.curiosifyB.innovationC.anticipationD.potential53.A.apparcntlyB.graduallyC,mnerelyD.rarely54.A.iargetB.agendaC.dutyD,liberty55.A.functionsB.appealsC,countsD.responds第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分】