广西省2023年八桂智学9月高三新高考联考英语试题查看 答案试题答案(更新中)


"My home is just not safe for her.So this is an alternative.She's here,but she has her own space.It's set cross between home life,work.family and social experiences.The task of balancing our lifestyle andup for her.It's safe for her and it's not a nursing home.Weare actually her primary caretakers.and she won't daily activities will become essential.New tools will continue to help people manage busy plans,andfeel lonely in this place."assist in performance and business management.The MED Cottage is small-just 28 square meters.But it has separate areas for living and bathing.This increase in technology will create an enhanced need for person-to-person connectivity.We areThere is even space for medical equipment.The builder included special soft padding under the floor soalready seeing a rise in social activities to substitute the experiences of meeting people "at work"andolder adults will not break a bone if they fall.From her own house.Soc Page can use cameras and intercomhaving regular face-to-face engagement.Finding a healthy social balance will be key to enjoying theequipment to see and hear her mother.freedom and flexibility of working on the Internet.Ken Dupin started N2 Care,the company that builds the small homes.He wanted to help families stayIn addition to the growing number of people in the remote workforce,cducational programs andlogether.home schooling platforms are secing similar growth.Together these two clements are redcfining the"If I have a purpose for the rest of my life,it is somehow challenging and working up people'sconventional family.When living nearby work or sehool are no longer houschold factors.the doors to theenthusiasm of accepting this responsibiliry to take care of their parents.and it's funny in that it's its ownworld are open wide.These are major shifts in our lifestyle definitions and they will directly impact howreward."He hopes he can make many other families as happy in the homes as this one.we exist and interact in the world in our future lifestyles.28.What is the purpose of the projeet?32.What does the author think of the effects of new technologies on our work?A.To take better care of parentsA.They allow flexible work optionsB.To meet parents'medical nceds.B.They change our attitudes to work.C.To provide a larger living space for parents.C.They affect our choices of career.D.To enable people to live closer to their parents.D.They provide more secure jobs.29.How does the project affect Viola Baez?33 What can we infer about our work in the future?A.She won't hurt herself when she falls.A.The workplace will become fixed.B.It meets all her medical needs.B.The division between life and work will disappear.C.She won't be disturbed by anyone.C.More of our work will be computer-based.D.She has her own private space.D.More face-to-face communication will be necded in the workplacc.30.What does the underlined phrase "working up"mean in paragraph 6?34.Why are living nearby work or school no longer houschold factors?A.Decreasing.B.Motivating.C.Praising.D.Annoying.A.The growth of remote work and online education.31.What can we learn about the project from the last two paragraphs?B.The preference of people for different lifestyles.A.It is well practiced.C.The ways of people interacting with each other.B.It needs to be more interesting.D.The new standard of the definition of family.C.It is challenging in some way.35.What is the best title for the text?D.It takes a long period to prove its results.A.The Advantage of Working from Home0B.The Future Changes of LifestyleOver the last ten years,our lives have dramatically changed as a result of new technologies.ForC.The New Ways of Communicationmany of us.the ways we live and do business have changed forever.D.Tbe New Trend in Future EducationThe appearance of these new technologies has produced a new division of the global workforce.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)allowing people to work from the comforts of home or while traveling and exploring the globe.These new根据短文内容,从短文后的途项中选山能填入空白处的录佳选项。选项中有两项为多余逸项。found freedoms and flexibility have transformed the way we look at our lifestyles.Today,heading to theForging a 5G futureoffice may mean remaining at home.sitting in a favorite coffee shop.a hotel lobby()or on a loungeThe future in sci-fi movies seems so close.yet so far away.Delightfully.5G technology makes thatchair by the beach.The ability for many people to work is virtually at our fingertips.future look casily achievable.Schools,hospitals,transportation.factories-even our homes will soonWhat does this mean for the future of our lifestyles and business?It means the lines will continue touse this powerful wireless network.In 2018,China started testing 5G mobile networks in its several cities.
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