炎德英才大联考 2023年湖南新高考教学教研联盟高一5月联考英语试题答案 (更新中)

炎德英才大联考 2023年湖南新高考教学教研联盟高一5月联考英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于炎德英才大联考 2023年湖南新高考教学教研联盟高一5月联考英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


炎德英才大联考 2023年湖南新高考教学教研联盟高一5月联考英语试卷答案


炎德英才大联考 2023年湖南新高考教学教研联盟高一5月联考英语

D. She was too excited to hear the author's w25. How did the author feel after talking with that visiting professor?A. Discouraged. B Guilty.罪恶 C. Optimistic.客观 D. Excited.26. What problem did the author face?A Lack of the professor's support.B. There being no work experience.C. The confusion of making a decision.D. Demanding requirements of the professor.

炎德英才大联考 2023年湖南新高考教学教研联盟高一5月联考英语

19.What factor affects the amount of oxygen produced at sea?A.The temperature of water.B.The level of water pollution.C.The number of dead creatures in the ocean.

炎德英才大联考 2023年湖南新高考教学教研联盟高一5月联考英语
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