江苏省2022-2023学年第二学期高二年级期中考试(23609B)英语试题答案 (更新中)






29. What’s the purpose of Career Closets?A.To raise money for poor students.B. To provide students with part-time jobs.C. To meet students' needs for fashionable clothesD. To help students with limited money get business suits.


Other non-domesticated animals might have feelings too. Giraffes and whales, for example, areimaknown to experience g riel when someone in their group dies. Farm animals we often eat, such ascws and chickens, are also believed to experience pain, joy and other emotions. Their wellbeing isnow taken into consideration more. And in the UK, new legislation means all vertebrate(有脊椎的)animals and crustaceans(甲壳纲动物) will be recognized in law as sentient beings. It's believedeven tiny creatures like insects might have emotions as well. Research is beginning to show theyexperience a wide range of feelings. Writing for BBC Future website, Zaria Go rv ett says they canbe optimistic, pessimistic or frightened, and respond to pain just like any mammal would.”Dr Barbara J King, Emerita Professor of Anthropology at the College of William and Mary, toldthe BBC:“H we understand the profound depths of emotions animals can feel, this should make usquestion the existence of zoos and slaughterhouses around the world, and rethink those systems."12.Why is it hard to understand how animals are feeling?A. Because animals have a complex range of feelings.B.Because the feelings of animals are hard to detect.C.Because animals can't express their feelings verbally.D.Because only some pets have feelings.

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