鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校2023年五月高三模拟考英语试题答案 (更新中)






34. Why does the author mention the example in paragraph 4? D.A. To show the necessity of conducting research on natural disas-ters.B. To present the effect of the largest extinction events on humans.. To explain the difficulty of protecting the Earth from asteroidstrikes.D. To prove the significance of DART's success


but serious. Then in the lobby of the building he saw 46from the Tennis Club. They were thepeoplele who didn’t 47 . Nadal decided there was one more thing he wanted to do before going out____the door: 48 them all one by one.____Here you can see how it happened. He 49one worker, shook hands with others, and then____went to the transportation counter. He showed his 50 for those who focused on the stars ofWimmb led on, taking 51 with whoever asked him.UUpon leaving Wimbledon, Nadal 52 to win the historic prize, but in the eyes of everyone it____was clear that he was a 53 in values: selflessness and gratitude. That simple but heartfelt gesture____reveals how he is 54with himself in big and small things every minute. Nadal was 55 of hissituation and the difficulties he faced. Thank you. Hope to see you next year, " he was heard to say.41.A. natural B. necessary C. excellent D.impossible42. A. choice B.treatment C. service D.mission43. A. loneliness B.sadness C. tiredness D.annoyance44. A. packed B.folded C.checked D.delivered45. A. happy B.patient C.calm D.curious46. A. coaches B.players C.audience D.workers47. A: show off B. take back C.stand out D.turn up48. A.recognize B. comfort C. praise D. greet49. A. searched B.hugged C.beat D.passed50. A. honesty B. generosity C.sympathy D.appreciationn51. A. pictures B.lessons C. messages D.conversations52. A. hesitated B.failed C. determined D.deserved53. A. sponsor B. champion C. supporter D.witness54. A. demanding B.pleased C. bored D.competing55. A. proud B.afraid C. aware D.confident

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