江西省重点中学协作体2023届高三第二次联考英语试题答案 (更新中)






4. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a restaurant B. In a supermarket√ C. In the woman’s house.


or pressure from school or home life.Gain physical and psychological strength with sportsAvoiding childhood obesity has become a real issue in a world where kids spend more and moreidingtime indoors, glued to screens. But if your child shows any interest in a sport (even if just bywatching it on their i Pad) , grab the opportunity and introduce after-school activities that focus onsaid physical activity. In these activ ties, your kids can also learn important lessons like respectingothers and teamwork . 40 GA. Reduce stress with after-school activitiesB. Boost children's enthusiasm and participation in classC. When your kids spend 80 percent of their hours at school. Besides, they make your child more confident in the processE. I you cant decide about sending your kids to after-school activitiesF Choosing activities that dont put extra pressure on your kids is also essentialC. Most impor at ly, your child n can develop their mental strength while doing sports

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