昆明市2023届三诊一模高考模拟考试英语试题答案 (更新中)






4.How does the man feel about learning to paint?(CC. It's boring.A. It’s great fun. B.It takes a lot of energy.


I found my way to civil engineering 44 whenIread an article about the Los Angeles earthquake in 1994.Itsconsequence was so awful that I was totally shocked. During the earthquake, many buildings fell down. The disasterled to heavy casualties(伤亡) . The 4.5sent me into thinking about how the building projects could be safer, and how Icould get them that way. From the n on, I 46 to learn civil engineering . 47 different kinds of buildings is aform of recreation for me.Sitting on my bicycle for hours watching the houses around me has made me feel the 48to shape our buildings into solid ones.To achieve my ambition, Imust 49 that I can get high grades in all my subjects. In school, I am truly fondof science and good at math. 50, my high school years had been challenged.My poor writing skills used to .51me a lot.Fortunately, I had a strong wish to achieve my dream. It was the desire, which 52 me to keeppracticing, that helped me overcome my shortcomings.Over the years, I have learned to stick with things that I find right 53. This character will stay with metill my efforts 54 That, combined with my longstanding curiosity about 55our world, is what will make me agreat civil engineer someday soon.41.A.relied B.concentrated C.lived D.depended42.A.how B.when C.why D.what43.A.talent B.need C.love D.pity44.A.fortunately B.directly C.frequently D.accidentally45.A.ruins B.wastes C.pollutants D.emissions46.A.promised B.managed C.expected D.determined47.A.Designing B.Completing C.Observing D.Understanding48.A.expense B.necessity C.trend D.solution49.A.ensure B.admit C.believe D.declare50.A.Therefore B.However C.Moreover D.Thus51.A.cheat B.frighten C.bother D.hurt52.A.forced B.remindedd C.restricted D.urged53.A.easily B.personally C.firmly D.naturally54.A.give off B.get off C.turn off D.payoff55.A.shaping B.highlighting C.viewing D.saving第Ⅱ卷非选择题部分

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