2023届福建省漳州市高中毕业班第四次教学质量检测英语试题答案 (更新中)






3.What will the woman do tonight?A. Go to the m all.B.Go for a movie. C. Study at home.


第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处阅读下A的最佳选项,,并在在 题卡上将该项涂黑。In JunCB75 y family decided to emigrate(移民) to Canada. Due to the immigrationateburpolicy, after paying for the flight, we had only S 16 41. This was our firsfirst time to betraveling by plane. We were all very 42 by everything new w were experiennot yet have TVs in our home country. So we were excited about watching the in-flight 43.On the flight, the stewardess came around to 44 the headphones to passsince we were fying econo y class, we were told that the head phores cost S1The kids looed at us46 45 and asked if they could have a dollar for a set of headphones which they would 4Knowing we had only S16 with us in cash unil we reached Canada, my husband and I knew thatwe could not 47 to waste the money on headphones -not even one set. When we explainedour 48 to the kids, they accepted it without complaint. But our 49must have shownclearly. A gentleman nearby 50 his headphones to us, smiling, without saying a word. Thekids’faces 51 with joy.This 52 definitely had a powerful effect on our children. They are now responsibleadults who are always ready to help anyone 53 .Although I can not describe the 54gentleman on that flight, I'll forever remember the 55 kindled(激起) in our hearts by thissmall act of kindness.41. A. available B.borrowedC. earned D.worthwhile42.A.comfor ted B.amazedC.relieved D.scared43. A. views B.dancesC.movies D.services

上一篇:山西省晋城市2023年高三第三次模拟考试(23-444C)英语试题答案 (更新中)
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