陕西省2023年最新中考模拟示范卷 SX(六)6英语试题答案 (更新中)

陕西省2023年最新中考模拟示范卷 SX(六)6英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于陕西省2023年最新中考模拟示范卷 SX(六)6英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


陕西省2023年最新中考模拟示范卷 SX(六)6英语试卷答案


陕西省2023年最新中考模拟示范卷 SX(六)6英语

Confucius is one of the most famous people . He is 21 great Chinese thinker and socialphilosopher(哲学家) .His teaching and philosophy have 22 influenced Chinese.Although Confucius was born over 2, 000 years ago in Zouyi, the state of Lu, 23 people stillremer ber him now. His father died when he was 3 years old. He had to start to work early224 his m other and the family. Young Confucius was good 25 studying. He visitedmany famous teachers and learned music, history and sports. Later, he 26 a teacher andstarted private schools, creating a scientific educational system. Confucius believed 27everyone should go to school. Do you know 28 in his life? He had about 3, 000 students.Many of his words are still popular today.“A kind person should help others. Be strict with29, but be kind to others.”Nowadays, Confucius 30 by the people from not onlyhina but also many other countries.21. B.an C.the D./22. A. deep B. deeper C.deepee ply D.more deeply23. A. so B.or but D./25. A. with C.for D. to24. A.teach C.help \D to help26. A. become C.becomes D.will become27., that B.when C.where D.how28. A. how many students does he haveB.how many students did he haveC.how many students he has w many students he had29.A. himself B.herself C.yourself D.itself30. A. is respected B. was respected C.respect D.respected

陕西省2023年最新中考模拟示范卷 SX(六)6英语

21. How can visitors explore Royal Botanic Gardens in the Circular Quay area?A. On foot.B. By ferry. C. By bike. D.By bus.

陕西省2023年最新中考模拟示范卷 SX(六)6英语
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