[漳州四检]漳州市2023届高三毕业班第四次质量检测英语试题答案 (更新中)






C. Sucking DNA out of the air.D. Collecting environmental samples.34..What do we know about the new method of DNA sampling?A. It distinguishes different DNAs.B. It collects certain DNA within rangege.C. It locates endangered species exacttly.C____D. It predicts the duration of animals’ stay.


s, 1 ban germline modification(修改) . An expanded survey showed that of 39 countries, 29ban germline modification and those that do not are ambiguous on the topic. In some cases, countrieshave stated that they will reconsider if genome editing is deemed safe.28. Which of the following can replace the underlined word“assorted”in the first paragraph?A. Various. B.Clear. C. Positive.D. Criticalal.

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