陕西省2023年高考全真模拟考试英语试题答案 (更新中)






their ideas about flying by flying early planes which were like kites. This 43 them to try outdifferent wing shapes and controls from the ground before their first success in 1903. They chose KittyHawk North Carolina to test their planes 44 it was always so windy there.No matNo matter why you fly kites, pay attention to the 45 and space for good kite -flyingconditions. The wind should be between 5 and 25 miles per hour, It should be neither too light nor toostrong. Don't put your life in 46 like Ben Franklin did, by flying a kite when it's raining orstormy. Be sure to find a(n) lyingbuildings, or power lines.47 space. Don’t let your kite be “eaten”by a tree or hit people,You can buya kiteina 48 or online. If you like, you can also 49 one on your own. Itis easy to make a 50kite. You can make a diamond shape (菱形) kite when you try for the firsttime. It flies well in light wind.41. A. cheap B.fun C.boring D.use less42.A. tested B.sold C.hid D.wasted43. A. controlled B.allowed C.stopped D.divided44. A. as B.so C.but D.although45. A. water B.weather C. money D.food46. A. peace B.nature C. danger .8 D.war47.A. central B.smal d. C.open D.hot48. A. store B.school C.kitchen D.library49. A. move B.miss C.block D.make50. A. famous B.harmful C.basic D.strange


A man in Chicago was surprised with an unexec ted new car. It was 41by a localbusinessman after videos of him saving a stranger's lifeA____42 online.Anthony Perry is being 43 as a herero for jumping into action to save someone whoC轨道a platform on to the train trChicago.“The guy didn’t have 45 of his____body so I really felt like if I didn't he lp him, who would help?”Perry told USA Today A____With the help of another man, Perry47 CPR(心脏复苏) a s he waited for theambulance 48 to arrive. The man who was shocked by the electrified(通电的) rail was____rushed to the 49 hospital. 8Perry's life mostly returned to 50 for about a day and a half. Then he 51acall from Early Walker a Walker had 52 a video of the heroic at on social 53 butcould find little information on who the 54 rescuer was. After digging for several____days, Walker 55 found him. Walker learned Perry pure has ed a defective(有缺陷的)car 56 financial difficulties and had been relying on public 57 ever since. So, hedecided to give him a 58 with a car for his actions.Perry said the car will make his life“way 59”. The time on his way to work everyday will be 60 from over an hour to around 30 minutes.41. A. assigned B. introduced C. presented D.guaranteed42. A. spread B. succeeded C. oe curredD.existed43. A. arranged B.explained C.imagined D.praised

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