2023年江西省高二年级联合调研考试(5月)英语试题答案 (更新中)






2.Why does Catherine come to the man?A.To help him out.B.To hand in a report.C.To discuss something.


One day, Colleen'ss on called her, 43 able to speak. He had los t his wife in an accident,leaving him alone to care for his disabled daughter, who needed a wheelchair to get around. He was. Quickly, they planned to move in with Colleen and her husband and try to make things work. Itwouldn’t be 45 , but they could manage.The day Colleen'ss on arrived with his child, he 46 to lift the wheelchair up the stairs. Acrossthe street, Sheila 47 and crossed to help. Colleen burst into tears. Sheila cried with Colleen and____how Colleen and her son would manage to get the wheelchair in and out of then and out of thehairhouse twice a day. So she put the 49 out to neighbors and they decided to build a wheelchair ramp(坡道) for free.The next day, three carpenters 50 . They drew up plans and 51designs and materials.They made Colleen 52, and then cry again because they were so considerate. They called for more53 , and their children came over to welcome the 54 new girl to the neighborhood.____Ross, the lead carpenter on the 55 , also had a disabled daughter who had died years before.He said that doing something for the girl felt like he was doing it for his own daughter.41.A.remember B.replace C.check D.decorate42.A.partner B.caregiver C.assistant D.doctor43. A. never B.still C.hardly D.even44.A.nervous B.upset C.cautious D.impatient45.A.easy B.vital C.possible D.formal46.A.struggled B.continued C.promised D.determined47.A.turned B.recorded C.commented D.noticed48.A.ignore B.imagine C.prove D.predict49.A.evidence B.reply C.word D.advice50.A.looked aroundB.dropped out C.showed up D.called backC.compared51.A.tested B.exchangedD.debated

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