[南昌三模]2023届江西省南昌市高三第三次模拟测试英语试题答案 (更新中)






23.What will probably be the result if you bring a treat to class?A. Experiencing different cultures.B.Making your teachers angry and anxious.C.Making some students have a stomachache.D. Making your classmates happy and united.


day. I was 3434Once or twice, someone smiles at me, but they never say a word.HHoHowever, there was a great surprise to me. I clearly remembered it was a sunny day. I was 34the guitar as usual when Tom, a 12-year-old boy, stood up and walked up to me. We all looked at him insurprise and didnt know what he 35 to do. He touched the guitar softly and tried to say something toim self. Thatit. It seemed that he could 36 a little about the music and that he expect d to play it himself. Thatwas amazing. I realized I should do 37. Then I pu t his hands on the strings (弦) and he playedswith his fingers. After a short while, he 38 and went back to his seat. Although he didn’t sayt sayheanything, I knew a door might be opened for him.From the n on, each time I went to the center, I paid more 39 to Tom than before. Later, he was____3y as40heard to talk not only to the guitar but also to people around him. And I knew what I did wasD.workersC. volunteers31. A. parents B.childrenD.usC. him32. A. them B.her D.quietlyC. slowly33. A.luckily B.noisily D. copyingC.pushing34. A.living B.playing D.connectedC.wanted35.A.refused B.invited D.breakC.hear36. A. understand B. touch D.everything37.A. anything B.nothingC. somethingD.stopped38.A. shouted B.preparedC. waitedD.order40. A. honest B. meaningful C. boring39.A.attention B.advice C. messageD.stupid

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