山西省大同市2022-2023学年第二学期八年级期中教学质量监测英语试题答案 (更新中)






Chinese teahouses are the 56 (trad tion) ancient cafes of east for getting together and chatting with friends____and generally 57 (pass) the time. The teahouse has become a place for people 58 (drink) tea and relax,________experience Chin ease culture, hold sosial activities host private parties and conduct business negotiations.The teahouse recreates the character of old Beijing, which makes it a must for foreigners, 59 come to China to____appreciate Bejing Opera, drama and other folk art, as well as drink tea. Jasmine is the favorite of many old Beijing ers,____who love 60 (it) pure , clear taste and strong fra grace. It's 61 (definite) on the menu at the Lao S he____Teahouse.


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Fritz Sam was driving his Uber car when he picked up Jemimah We i, who was on her way toLaGuardia Airport.Brooklyn's Bed-Stuy neighborhood, Fritz saw a building on fireHe asked Jemimah if she'd mind him pulling over to check it out. With Jemimah’s 42 ,he went out to help.Outside of the building a crowd hadd 43 and Fritz joined them in calling for the____people inside to come out. And when someone said two people were 44 inside, he wasfaced with the 45 of staying safe out on the sidewalk or running into the 46 ____building to____help those that remained.Fritz chose the latter, He 47 entered the smoke-filled building and went up the stairs.____Then, he met one man who said he would 48 the instant he picked up something 49.____So Fritz made a mental note that he’d 50the man before heading out of the building.____Going up another set of stairs, he 51 a woman who was too 52 to move. He hurried________forward to 53 her and headed downstairs. Before heading out himself, Fritz listened forthe man he'd 54 seen. When he heard movement down the stairs, he r an back and rushedthe man to the 55Back inside the car, Fritz got Jemimah to the 56 , and all in time____to catch her flight. When landing, she 57 photos of the burning building on a social

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