2023届华大新高考联盟高三年级4月联考(新高考)英语试题答案 (更新中)






7.How does Eva B like her living two lives?A.Lonely and sad. B.Strange but funny.C.Tough but interesting. D.Tiring and embarrassing.C


DAnne Frank was bornonJune 12th, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. When Anne was a child.Germany was under the control of the Nazis(法西斯主义者) .The Nazis were a politicalparty(政党) led by Adolf Hitler.67By 1939, the Nazis started taking over other countries. This led to the World War I.InMay, 1940, the Nazis took over the Netherlands. Once again the Frank family was in danger.In 1942, Anne’s family moved into a secret office building. Soon more people moved intothe building, and they were Jewish too. Therefore there was not always enough food foreveryone. This made the situation even worse.Anne found comfort by writing in her diary She wrote about the difficulties of living withso many people. She wrote about her growing friendship with Peter. She wrote about he r angertowards the Nazis, and she also wrote about her hope and she believed that good would win overevil(邪恶) .On August 4th, 1944, tragedy(悲剧) fell on the Frank family again. Nazis police foundthem hiding in the building. Everyone was sent to concentration(集中) camps. But Anne’s diarywas left on the floor. The only member of Anne's family, Otto Frank, her father found Anne’sdiary. Later his father had made it into a book called . After the War, the book became a____bestseller.67.Who was the leader of the Nazis?C. Adolf Hitler.D. The police.A.Anne Frank.B. Otto Frank.

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