山西省运城市2022-2023学年八年级第二学期期中自主测评英语试题答案 (更新中)






A. They went shopping.B.They went out to dinner..C.They attended a party.al4.Why does the man make the phone call?A.To check an arrangement.B.To get some information.C.To make a booking.Di seal ie asom si or smomasr mlloxs na dw zhow


单三部分(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,It was a rainy December day 30 years ago in America. Cold in the air chilled us to thebones. I was even wishig the 1 would continue to drop. If it snowed, children would bevery happy. My wife and I were standing in a line at a fire department building with our twoMear old daughter, Beth. It was going to be her first time to meet Father Christmas, so mywie brought her camera along to 42 the mment.hTThe children waited their turn to receive their gifts in 43 But when Father Christmas finally 44 with his bag of gifts most younger children 45in fear at the strangeman with a big white beard and red suit. My daughter didn't, though. She was n’t 46 atall. I think it was because her grandpa had a beard even bus hier than Father Christmas’s47, she jumped up and down with 48, almost coming out of her snow boots.Seing Beth’s smile, Father Christ as49 her first. “Ho ho ho! I’m coming. Whatdo vou want for Christmas, litle girl?” he asked. Beth didn't say anything She jus gave himhris50 hug. My wife and I smiled, enjoying the51 moment full of Christmas love. Andl of a sudden, that cold, damp firehouse seemed 52 Perhaps it was just because all feltthe 53 of Christmas by watching Beth sharing her joy.Now my daughter is over 30 years old, but I still 54every loving hug she gives me.It keeps my heart feel 55, and I also pay it foit forward to others.D.noise41. A. temperature B. surface C. wateru42. A. understand B. describe C. recordD.confirmC43. A. case B.order C.whisperD. sorrow44. A. faded B.donated C. signed di aD.appearedD45. A. reached out B. started off C. backed awayD. pulled over6.A. scared B.annoyed C.peacefulD.patientC447.A. Besides B. Instead C. OtherwiseD.Moreover448.A. fear B. confusion C. curiosityD. delight

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