2023年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试专家猜题卷(二)英语试题答案 (更新中)






答案是C。1.When are the speakers going to meet?A. At9:30. B.At12:30. C.At 12:45.2.Which dish is most suitable for Paul?A.Beef steak. B.Roast chicken. C. Salad.


cial grooupsthrough smalloups. hese tricks include how to greet people friendly and show their good will14. 月acts of kindness.We see this problem in kids who are always ready to cut in a talk. The other kids maykidsaskfind their actions annoying(令人恼怒的) . If they continue their annoying behavior after a kidbehavior after atoasks them to stop, they are likely to be d i liked by the group. Therefore, these children needto learn proper ways of stopping, such as saying “sorry”, or keeping their mouths shut.1515.CSome kids have trouble making friends because they be have in ways that set them apartfrom the other kids in the social groups. For example, they may always try to be funny onpurpose, or have strange interests and habits.EveryEvery child is unique, but they have to learn to connect with other kids iThen they can build friendships and enjoy being part of a group.A. Cutting in conversationsB.Doing too littleC.Being too differentD.Doing too much

上一篇:衡水金卷先享题压轴卷2023答案 福建专版新高考B二英语试题答案 (更新中)
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