2023年西南名校联盟模拟卷 押题卷(三)英语试题答案 (更新中)

2023年西南名校联盟模拟卷 押题卷(三)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2023年西南名校联盟模拟卷 押题卷(三)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


2023年西南名校联盟模拟卷 押题卷(三)英语试卷答案


2023年西南名校联盟模拟卷 押题卷(三)英语

、Martin Luther King was angry about the lack of civil rights in the USA. Gandhi was angry about Britishdomination in India. They both used that anger to motivate themselves to fight a pau rst what they saw as injustice. Takingaction can help to reduce the feelings of anger as you see progres towards your final goal.Try to get to the root cause of your anger.39 Is it worry or stress making you angry? Are you fearful offailure?Are you unhappy?0nce you know why you get mad, then it is possible to deal with the cause. Taking positive stepstowards solving the underlying problem will help you overcome feelings of anger.In conclusion, you must recognize that anger is something you can control. That control will come once you identify____what is at the root of your an get Make changes to your lifestyle and attitudes, and you will find that you will turn angrymuch less pit eu is at all. Angry people are not nice people . 40A:Anger can be used to fuel action.B.By contrast, anger is slow to passC.When doing this. be honest with yourself.D. Anger is really a bad habit that is hard to break.E. This applies to work, day-to-day life、and relationships

2023年西南名校联盟模拟卷 押题卷(三)英语

With only a small amount of oxygen left in the cold and windy weather on Qom olang ma,it was 23 to move to slowly. And our oxygen would soon 24 .In the middle of thehenight, visibility was so poor that the line of climbers was 25 moving and we beganradio ing each other for discussion to 26 the situation. While all our team members hadbeen trained to manage an 27 climbing, to handle such situations is the differencebetween life and death.We still had to 28 a lot of uncertainties. The trail was getting more slippery to putour 29 on, which made it hard for us to move a step 30 further. With time passingby, the oxygen we carried would be used up. A(n) 31 crisis was just lying ahead of us.At the crucial moment, our climbing 32 helped us greatly. In the light of weakflashlights, we kept climbing carefully and 33 our team members to keep an eye out forwhatever might happen. A single mistake would 34 us our lifeFortunately, the temperature became a little bit warmer and the line started to 35quite well.Eventually we reached the top.21.A.remote B.crowded C.slippery D.familiar22.A.anxiety B.eagerness C.surprise D.comfort23.A.urgent B.acceptable C.dangerous D.necessary24.A.take off B.give in C.turn down D.run out25.A.hardly B.merely C.partly D.regularly26.A.put off B.bring about C.deal with D.call forB.unrecorded C.unscheduled27.A.unsettledD.unapprovedC.doubt28.A. stopB.faceD.learnC.clothes29.A.feetB.tentsD.fingersC.back30.A.asideB.downD.upC.identity31.A.survival B.energyD.emotion32.A.attraction B.challenge C.experiment D.experience33.A.forbade B.reminded C.encouraged D.commanded34.A.offer B.earn C.costD.ensure

2023年西南名校联盟模拟卷 押题卷(三)英语
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