九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三押题信息卷(老高考)(三)英语试题答案 (更新中)

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九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三押题信息卷(老高考)(三)英语试卷答案


九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三押题信息卷(老高考)(三)英语

A.Their medical benefits.B.Their academic advantages.C.Their lasting influence.D.Their mathematical meanings.

九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三押题信息卷(老高考)(三)英语

第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最住选项。Drew and Cindy are a loving couple. When their4C rew and raised families of their own invarious places around the country, they started thinking about a 42Aof life. They had been good atraising kids. So the couple started thinking about how to 43the next chapter. As most often happens, afriend mentioned homeless children, most of them were runaways(离家出走者) , and they needed 44,a place to live, a fresh start.The 45Abecame a plan Within a year, Drew and Cindy had moved a few hundred miles away andwere living in a cheap hotel while Drew built a 46Cfor homeless children who had been kicked out oftheir own homes or had run away. With the4Dof friends and guidance from the proper state authoritiesDrew built a long dormitory, a couple of classrooms and a community kitchen large48to have informaldiscussions around an immense kitchen table.One of the4 girls to move in was Erin. When Erin was 14, her mother left home and neverErin lived with friends for a year before high school. With no place to go, she513Drew and Cindy.There was no judgment about her situation, no shaming, only help.41. A. parentsB.sisters C.children D.brothersSoon, other girls moved in. They all had 5xstories no parents and no family. At Drew and Cindy’sthey found family They shared chores, took classes to earn high school 5333ind certifications, and hadregular visits from social workers, volunteer teachers, nurses and a doctor. Disagreements were talked outfeelings shared. They began to see life from the other side of the 548they had lived. Drew and Cindylived in an upstairs apartment, and there were lots of late-night chats and tears. Growing intoo55can bepainful, but it is worthy. C42.A.change B、work C.meaning D.friendship43.A.come B.spend C.buy D.finish44.A.check B、support C.result D.master45. A、idea B.essay C.match D.public46.A.schoolB.hospital C.playgroundD.home47.A. money B、hand C.help D.laugh

九师联盟 2022~2023学年高三押题信息卷(老高考)(三)英语
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