安徽省芜湖市2023年九年级毕业暨升学模拟考试(二)英语试题答案 (更新中)






的内容,从题目所给的三个分)hort without glassesis on businessC. Once a month.C. Clean the roomsC. By subway.An old man was walking over hills and valleys of the world. On 21back he carried a bag. He was Father Time, and he always refused 22getThe bag he carried was filled with tomorrows. All of them tried hard toto gout. Each time 230戏 o'clock, he open ehe bag. A tomorrow flew oul,12just one, with its wings of blue, and its shining feathers (羽毛) rising withhope. All the rest were kept back by Time's strong hands and pushed deep inthe bag. flew地The tomorrow 24down, beating its lovely feathers. But as it touched the earth, its blue wings felloff. And it changed to 250common whi which could not fly. It had become a today.aeeyuPeople know that tomorrow is 26than to do day can be held in one's hands, acceptedybbe.×07But tomorrow is full of mystery and beauty. It 27d. Even those with little hope sigh.____“Tomorrow may 288 ar 神秘h or row's life will be different. fheyknen3xEverybody tried tod to cat ehhthe tomorrow before it fell to the ground. They thought+29(事先) what the tomorrow carried, they could prepare for it. So they thought of many 30tryingg tocatch the tomorrow before it changed its feathers. Yet, although they tried, the bird just g×otflew to the ground as today.21. A. he \BB.his C.she D.her22. A. to start B.start C o stop D. stop23.A. toB.with C.for .atB.flies C. will fly D. is flying25. a B.an C.the D./26. von derful B. wonderfully C. more wonderfulD. the most wonderful27. A. wants B.is wanted C. wanted D. are wanted28. bring B.brings C. bringingg D.brought29. A. why did they know B. why they knewC. if did they know D. if they knew


24.What did Molly do in that zoo?A.Carried wood.B. Carried tourists. C.Played with fire.

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