2023衡水金卷先享题压轴卷答案 新高考一英语试题答案 (更新中)

2023衡水金卷先享题压轴卷答案 新高考一英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2023衡水金卷先享题压轴卷答案 新高考一英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


2023衡水金卷先享题压轴卷答案 新高考一英语试卷答案


2023衡水金卷先享题压轴卷答案 新高考一英语

Mitchell.“But we also need other approaches to help with this. Methane is important, but it's soshort-lived-that's why we haven't been so bothered when compared with Co, "The IPCC working groups showed potential adaptation paths, and they are the other things we cando in terms of fighting climate change and relieving its worst effects, rather than simply reducing carbonemissions.This would include taking measures such as switching to a more plant-based diet (to reducemethane emissions) , controlling population growth, reducing financial inequality and developing meansby which we might remove CO, that's already in our atmosphere, rather than simply preventing it beingreleased.28. Which of the following can best describe the sixth report by IPCC?A.Seemingly contradictory. B.Wholly promising.C. Particularly hopeless. D.Exceptionally new.

2023衡水金卷先享题压轴卷答案 新高考一英语

53.A. keeping with B.putting forwardC. breaking away from D. taking the place of54.A. ashamed B.fond C.proud D.unaware55.A. abandon B.choose C.remember D.follow

2023衡水金卷先享题压轴卷答案 新高考一英语
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