江淮名卷·2023年安徽中考模拟信息卷(五)5英语试题答案 (更新中)






26.Who does the writer write the passage for?A.Students. B.Doctors. C. Policemen. D.Farmers.


Ⅵ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。ALionel Messi is one of the greatest football players in the world. However, just a few peopleknow the other 31 of him.Messi was born in a 32 family in Argentina on June 24, 1987. Because of the bad livingonditions, he was lack of nutrition(缺乏营养) 33 he was a child. Then he suffered from adisease which was bad for 34 taller. When he was 13, he was just 1.4 meters t all. For a footballplayer, this is a 35. However, Messi was positive(乐观的) and he never gave up. 36, hewas chosen by a Barcelona scout(球探) because of his excellent football skills. What's more, theexperts of F C Barcelona developed a series of 37 exercises to help Messi grow betterIn 2003, he 38 his first match and won the match. When he was 20 in the year of 2005,he became one of the best, the youngest and the most popular football players. In 2022, Messi 39Argentina to win the greatest World Cup final.Besides Messi was a very kind person. And he built his own foundation to help sick children.as aSo he has a lot of 40, and many of them want to be a great football player like him.31.A. point B.side C. history D.lifeC. poor32. A. happy B.smallD.warmC. before33. A. whenB.asD.afterC. looking34. A. feelingB. making D.growingB35. A. mistake B. weak nes弱势缺点reason D.worrry担心B. FinallyC. LuckilyD.Naturally

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