河北省六校联盟高二年级联考(2023.04)英语试题答案 (更新中)






23.Where are people at the great risk of snakes?A.In Gansbaai and I ha d e Que imada Grande.B.In Cape Tribulation and Portugal's Monster.C.In Cape Tribulation and I ha d e Que imada Grande.D.In Portugal's Monster and I ha d e Que imada Grande.


阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项n my third birthday, we moved to this neighborhood. Arlene and her husband Billived next dor, who had no children. There were n'tany 41 nmy age nearby, so I most lplayed in the yard alone. Arlene and Bill spent a lot of time working in the 42____, and Iwas always talking to them from our yard. They were never tired of listening to me I think____what 43 me to them is that I also think they saw a lot of themselves in me-we were alllonely kids. It was a wonderful 44____When I was about five, I had an idea 45 I took Bill and____my grandparents. My parents made the 46 ththat Ishand Arlene into our family asThey started crying and 47 accepted. It is____ I should ask them directly and so I did.repaid love.and adults being so overjoyed to accept it. Every child in this worldaccepted. It is truly wonderful for a child1 48 her loved 49 enthusiasticallythehe day I accepted them, I called Bill an d ArleArlene Grandpa and Grandma and mydreams. They encouraged me to 51parents called them Mom and Dad. Over the years, Bill and Arlene____ 50________college, even though I didn't have the money to go.work as an official.And when I was 52to a university, they presented me with their savings. They told me they'dme in all mybeen 53 money since the day I called them grandparents. Four yeaArlene passed ants. Four years later, II me54 and nowlife was me, her granddaughter.) 41. A. relativessed away in 2013. Bill told me that Arlene thought the greatest 55 of herB.friends____C.class m

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