2022-2023学年全国百万联考高一考试4月联考(005A)英语试题答案 (更新中)






As they walked down the 44, none of the cars slowed down to pick them up, so theyeven doubted the humanity. 45, a car pulled over. Sitting in the driver's seat was amiddle-aged man with bright blue eyes. He told them to 46.“I'll never 47 glancing over at him while we were driving down the road and seeingthat he 48 the steering wheel (方向盘) the same way my father did, ”Foster remem-be red.“When I saw that, the way his hands were positioned on the steering wheel, I took itas a(n) 49that I could trust this man.”The man’s 50 in picking them up restored her faith in humanity. And it didn't51 there. When he heard the couple was 52he offered them summer jobs and a53to live in his farm near Homer, Alaska. They gladly accepted.The 54 impacted Foster to such a degree that she wrote about it in a book titled MoreThan Everything. Looking back on that time in her life, all these years later, she says she'llnever forget that man with the bright 55 eyes. ar bor41.A. missed B.designed C.boarded D.canceled42.A.debated B.landed C.appeared D.responded43.A.disappointed B.confused C.surprised D.pleased44.A.highway B.corridor C.stair D.railway45.A.Instead B.Therefore C.Gradually D.Finally46.A.sign up B.check in C.get on D.give up47.A.suggest B.enjoy C.finish D.forget48.A.recognized B.held o C.hugged D.repaired19.A.sign B.attempt C.dream D.joke50.A.investment B.curiosity C.confidence D.kindnessi 1.A.stop B.exist C.prove D.functioni 2.A.unafraid B.unhurt C.unemployed D.uncomfortablelei 3.A.pond B.place C.cupboard D.company


16.What can we learn about Aron?A.He is a student.B.He studies hard.C.He is doing his homework.

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