2022~23年度信息压轴卷 老高考(四)英语试题答案 (更新中)

2022~23年度信息压轴卷 老高考(四)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2022~23年度信息压轴卷 老高考(四)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


2022~23年度信息压轴卷 老高考(四)英语试卷答案


2022~23年度信息压轴卷 老高考(四)英语

25. What did Phyllis do to fix why relationship with her husband?A. Reasoned with him B.Agreed to diver ce.C.Shared done ste chores. D.Showed concern for him.

2022~23年度信息压轴卷 老高考(四)英语

42yye____ 0her p areparents. Later, she wentwhysdificult to find a cup of ato America toyoung age, Shun an developed the habit of dr in ling ten under theauthenticheShunic(真正的study. Thehere shenes 43e$$t _ { 0 }$$$$a _ { n }$$to spend her whole life serving the most authenticShun an returned to China to visit famous ten producing areas.$$t _ { 8 }$$viC($$h _ { 1 }$$ia universi$$n _ { a n }$$rsity Years later, Shun an opened a teahouse in New York City. nertween what we serve and the ready-to-drink tea in stores,$$S h _ { e }$$twThe tea leaves she uses can only be 46, ”Shun ank$$e x e ^ { 7 } g$$a$$l _ { e a } 1$$in one place ofn explain ebCOurseThCtravel s ba to China. There farmers lead her to mountains and forests45inkbe$$\frac { 1 } { a }$$s47ststrees to pick the best leaves. After that, tso eveSometimes she even 47s to seeryspeli s res4it for48 the leaves. For Shun an, delicious results are worth everything.“Nothing maarch pring, Shun aold than producing the most authentic Chinese tea. And my 49estea trees49thi s.art. If 50, I hope to push it to a new height, ”said Shun an.is to protect thisnalkes mmonths toB.unusualC)441. A. warmme happierC. popularn is ancient tradition a)442. A. help B.request((BternC. controlB.onlyC. everr( ) 44. A. evenD.. west) 43. A. made a messB. made a decisionBC. made a speechD. influenceD. made a mistakeB.problem C. condition( C) 45. A. successD.justD. differenceC. climbsB.buys( B47. A. plantsB.sold C. requiredA) 46. A. foundD. protectedD. cutsC.createB.process( D)48. A. introduceD.spreadC.storyB.lifeD.taskB49.A. studyD. safeB.possible C.simple( 50. A. wrong

2022~23年度信息压轴卷 老高考(四)英语
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