2023届柳州高中/南宁三中高三(4月)联考英语试题答案 (更新中)






第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分 分阅读下面短文,在空自处圳人1.个道当的词武据号内单树的正 形式whenOne Hundred Hons ia a f amo as artwork by 6iaseppe astighone I 168 1766 56、was aK uropean artist The art a it wai born in Milan and lea med to paint tn der the57 guide of a master. In1715, Ctg hon art is ed a M a can, heo uobe Bgyg and 58 stay) at a Jesuit church. EmperorKang i (1654 1722 teughu, hy h ly f 4nng) . In China, Castiglione became known underthe name of lang Shii ing He erd as900art itist for three emperors: Kangxi, Yong zheng, andQianlong. And his West em pi in ting style61 (adapt to Chinese themes and tastes at that time. Forexample, strong shadowsg(un) in ch i arose umo(明暗对比法) were unacceptable in Chineseportrait s Ea per or Qianlong hateda had os. Therefore, when Castiglione painted the emp emr, he cut downthe in tea sity of the light.e(make) mo shadow on the fa en.Castiglione completed his One Hund reil Horses64the form of a Chinese hand s e roll (卷轴) ofearly eigh r me fers in length. He painted a 65 large) in a European style Nevertheless, Castiglionereduced the dama tie chi ars euro shading. There are only trace f shadow under the hooves(马路) of thehors s Yo can ao see some of the hons es are in a llying pose that was not conventional in Europeanplating s


30. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about concerning the new A I system?A. Its significance to players.B. Its development process.C. Its wide application. D. Its primary aim.

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