安师联盟2023年中考权威预测模拟考试(八)英语试题答案 (更新中)






30. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. The creative functions of camera apps.B.The attractive features of digital images.c The subjective factors behind photographs.D.The negative reviews about artistic images.


The Sea Life Center is a really cx citing place. There are so many things to 41 here andeverything is cn joy able. It costs f 3. 70 for grown-ups, £ 2 for children and 4z--over six ticsand school groups. It's 43 from 9:00 a. m. to4:30 p. m. cvery day cxcept 5th and26th ofDecember.Special 44 include hourly feeding times for all the different animals an d ish, and shows in thesea life theatre. 45 is always there to answer questions about what yo'e seen. If you are in agroup of six or more people, we 46 give you a special guided tour of the center. But you nced toarrange this at the information desk when you 47.________The latest attraction is a big 48 tunnel (隧道) you can walk through. All around you, youwill see fish swimming-sometimes even over your head. You certainly have the clearest view of theundersea world. Children love it and it's really 49 for grown-ups, too.____When you get 50 , there is a family dining room serving food.(41. A. see B.get C.hear D.take42.A. little B.few C.less D.fewer43.A. popular B.busy C.crowded D.open44.A. changes B.programs C.attractions D.performances45. A. Someone B.Anyone C.Everyone D.No one46.A can B.must C.should D.have to47.A. return B.arrive C.leaveD.travel48.A. metal B.wood C.glassD.stone49.A. amazing B.disappointing C.boring D.frightening50.A. tired B.bored C.thirsty D.hungry

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