江西省吉安市2023届九年级第二学期第一次月考检测试卷(四校联考)英语试题答案 (更新中)






长对话理解(5小题:每小题1分段对话,每段对适后,在每小题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍,对话,回答第6至/小题6 When did the woman visit her parents?A. On Saturday.Bi O u SundayC. On Monday7. What does the woman's sister do?A.A doctor B. A nurse C.A cook.听下面段对话,回容第8至10小题。


I was sitting at the table having breakfast. A litle taste of autumn 41 had____ ____risen in myheart. The cooling air and 42 leaves all means the coming of the____ ____autumn. I finished my meal and carried my 43 bowl over to the sink (水池) to____ ____clean it. My two cats sat on top of the kitchen counter, staring at something. I saw____ ____they were both 44 a spider on a web. Just as the spider came 45 , both____ ____cats started to catch and eat him. I quickly took a paper towel and 46 the little____ ________guy before he became a kitty 47. I walked out of the back door to let him go.As soon as I set him down he quickly crawled (爬) to the 48 comer. As I____ ____closed the door, I noticed something to o. I was 49 and my sadness was gone.____ ____Now I know many people would be 50 about how saving the animal____ ____could have lifted my spirits so quickly. After all, it was 51 a spider. As I____ ________ ____thought about it, I 52 two sentences I had recently read. The first was: “The________only true thing is 53”The second was: “Do everything out of love."I____realized then that no act of love is 54 . I had only spared a spider to live____another day, but it had touched my heart, 55 my spirit.____ ____41.A. worry B.comfort C.joy D.sadness42.A. growing B.turning C.falling D.rising43.A. large B.nice C.white D.empty

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