江苏省苏州市2023届九年级第二学期适应性练习英语试题答案 (更新中)






In 1997, I had a lovely 366more, we drew inspiration from each other.the favour . 1 helped out when her husband was sick, staying with her and giving her3 ng herer37,More udand it was Nicole who took care of me and him. Years nter, I returned38 , the pandemic hit. My husband was out of work and my son couldn’t be back to Britain31. A. road B.areabecause of the virus. I was3939necessities with me. Without her, I couldnt go through athem. Nicole helped my family to prepare for the pandemic and sharedug times.hearts.A wall might separate our flats and masks can separate the viruses, but nothing is able to separate ourC.yard32. A. guest B.enemyD.flatC. relative33. A. cooking B. finding C. leavingD. customer34. A. make up B.pick upD. sellingC. look up35. A. remember B.receiveD. give upC. reflect36. A. cat B.dogD.regretC. toyC37. A. change B. weightD.childC. support1z 38. A. Generally B.UnluckilyD. requestC. EspeciallyD. Actually39. A. worried aboutB. surprised at C. different from D. angry with40. A. strange B.important C. wonderful ItD.difficult


Most students have trouble with school stress. Read the following can help you 41 itLive a healthy life. Research shows that exercise is a good way to 42 stress. And it can alsoimprove your attention and study 43 . First you should find something you love and try to set a44 to realize it every day. Your exercise may 45 running, bicycling, walking, dancing andothers. In fact, exercise can improve your sleep 46. That means to prevent stress, because thepeople with stress have terrible sleep.Make time to 47 . Laughter is thought as one of the best methods to solve stress. You canspend time watching your favorite sitcom, or reading a humorous website to relax. As a result, itcertainly makes a big difference to stress.Eat a 48 diet. If you eat too much, you will quickly get heavy. This may make you feelbored and mad 49 . When you are stressed out, you can try some 50 food like milk shake,bananas and strawberries. All of these will work a lot on your stress.41. A. put up B.turn down C.find out D.deal with42. A. choose B.support C.achieve D.reduce43. A. ability B.example C.secret D.manner44. A. order B.goal C. prize D.race45. A. include B.complete C.require D.prevent46. A. chance B.purpose C.reason D.quality47. A. repair B.laugh C.break D.doubt48. A. silent B.healthy C.similar D.private50. A. sour B.junk C.sweet D.salty49. A. closely B.strictly C.easily D.luckily

上一篇:河南省郑州市2023年中招第一次适应性测试英语试题答案 (更新中)