河北省2023届高三第一次高考模拟考试英语试题答案 (更新中)






during the holidays. They were at a 42 waiting for their fresh meal whenshnti43 woman at the front door. The woman was 44 the passers-by and diners to hand theirscraps (剩饭) to her. Some people just 45 her and passed her by while others just threw the rscraps in front of her. The scene was so 46 for Carmen that she was much struck and 47 give hers, with a smile and respect. Then, when she met the 48 at the entrance and handed her____meal to her, 49 shefelt that she did something 50 .As Carmen said, she had 51 the homeless for many years, so she had a special 52 forthem. Soon, quickly changing her 53 , she asked the woman to sit and eat a fresh meal. As she____was very 54 , Carmen immediately ordered fresh chicken strips with fried potato for the womanto have.The kind gesture 55 the woman so much that she was moved to tears! Then, both of themhad an emotional hug!41.A.change B.afford C.illustrate D.resist42.A.supermarket B.cinema C.restaurant D.bookstore43.A.homeless B.athletic C.neat D.wicked44.A.reminding B.allowing C.forcing D.begging45.A.admired B.ignored C.comfor ted D.identified46.A.touching B.bitter C.fancy D.unfamiliar47.A.struggled B.preferred C.determined D.arranged48.A.partner B.passers-by C.consumer D.woman49.A.particularly B.suddenly C.originally D.specifically50.A.wrong B.beneficial C.informal D.powerful51.A.thought of B.chatted with C.worked with D.stood for52.A.confidence B.solution C.addiction D.respect53.A.clothes B.mind C.menu D.posters54.A.hungry B.ashamed C.generous D.homesick55.A.attracted B.frightened C.impressed D.challenged


A. New. B. Strange. C. Acceptable.35. What is the best title of the passage?D.Complicated.A. Orcas Have Become the Top Sea Killers B. Orcas' In tellC. Study Proves Orca s Kill Great White Sharkss Intelligence May Surprise PeopleD第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)D. Researchers Captured Footage About Sharks

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