2023年湖北省新高考信息卷(一)英语试题答案 (更新中)






14.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.The future plans.B.The ways to learn English.C.The skills in preparing for an interview.15.Whois working in Shanghai now?


____Drivers were honking (按喇叭) and getting out of their cars to get the 44 of the woman driver.____However, it quickly became 45 that she could not stop the car.The officials had already received several calls about a car on fire with a woman and children 46____inside.However, without an officer on site, Gavin immediately went into action.Her an after the car down the street to help the family 47 from the burning car. “Im yelling Stopthe car!Your car is on fire! he said. Gavin finally 48 the car when it came to a full stop. Without____49 , he helped the mother out of the driver 's 50 first.And then with the flames 51 , he____pulled three children out of the back seat.The flames quickly flooded the 52 moments later.________Gavin said, “It's kindof 53 because I didn't know whether I was able to get everyone out____54 . Luckily, I did it.Afterwards the mother credited the 55 with saving her family.____41.A.change B.understand C.stop D.upset42.A.covered B.raised C.damaged D.controlled43.A.partly B.nearly C.extremely D.particularly44.A.comment B.admiration C.attention D.identity45.A.important B.obvious C.awkward D.necessary46.A.harmed B.packed C.trapped D.hidden47.A.suffer C.separate D.escapeB.defend48.A.reached B.passed C.destroyed D.checked49.A.warning B.thinking C.complaining D.guessing50.A.side B.seat C.shelter D.direction51.A.attacking B.appearing C.growing D.rolling52.A.car B.mother C.children D.site53.A.moving B.exciting C.confusing D.frightening54.A.in time B.on demand C.in despair D.on purpose55.A.official B.teen C.policeman D.driver

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