[太原一模]山西省太原市2023年高三年级模拟考试(一)英语试题答案 (更新中)






59.How many blue sky days did Beijing have in the first quarter of 2011?A.63 B.52 C.41 D.238


33 the old man“sold out”all his dumplings, he left. Then, villagers startedtalking. Most of them said the old man was 34.____In the following days, the old man 35 coming. Each time the old man came,____the villagers a te as many free dumplings as they could. One day, a young man came.He 36 one dumpling.The old man asked, “Why do you order 37 one?”The young man answered,____“You work so hard for no 38. Ifeel bad and want to 39 you.”________““Aha! I find you, ”said the old man.“Im in charge of(掌管) the mountain. Youhave the 40 to be my student.”After that, he took the young man away.____The villagers were 41 . Then someone pointed out that the old man's dumplingpot was 42 of mud(泥) and mountain rocks. What's more, they saw that half of____their mountain was missing. It looked like 43 had cut it in half. From the n on, thevillagers called it Ban ping Mountain to remind themselves not to be greedy(贪婪的) .D29.A.noodles B.hamburgers C.cakes D.dumplings330.A.joke B.tradition C.problem D.businessBB.31. A. guess B.leave C.cook D.win32.A. terrible B.expensive C.cheap D.free33.A.Although B.If C.When D.But1734. A. nervous B.angry C.dangerous D.sillyA 35.A.kept B.stopped C.considered D.hated13836. A. took up B.waited for C.asked for D.made up337.A. even B.only C.almost D.always338. A. energy B.courage C.luck D.money39. A. help B.show C.teach 、D.know

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