[郴州三模]2023届湖南郴州市高三第三次质量检测英语试题答案 (更新中)






35.Where can the text be found?A.In a diary. B.In a book review.C.In a magazine. D.In a children's story.


gentle love.The summers in my childhood flew by so fast. During all of those 55 spentswimming as a boy I remember that day the most.41.A.chair B.desk C.bridge D.door42.A.designing B.spending C.wasting D.using43.A.stayed B.opened C.changed D.rose44.A.Usually B.Occasionally C.Surprisingly D.Luckily45.A.otherwise B.anyway C.therefore D.however46.A.strangers B.police C.classmates D.teachers47.A.shy B.frightened C.lonely D.cold48.A.started B.arrived C.appeared D.left49.A.refused B.allowed C.lost D.cleaned50.A.tail B.head C.leg D.body51.A.waiting B.fighting C.applying D.preparing52.A.looked B.jumped C.hurried D.spread53.A.lake B.pool C.sea D.river54.A.worked out B.drove away C.searched for D.turned to55.A.winters B.autumns C.springs D.summers

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