群力考卷·模拟卷·2023届高三第十二次英语试题答案 (更新中)






3.What method does the author mainly use to prove his point?A.Telling stories. B.Giving diagrams.C.Telling theories. D.Presenting data and examples.


er compromised 37, a noisy, dist racing of fee wil never be your is se.I’an leowTo understand how sound masking works, you can imagine standing in a kitchen with thewater running and trying to listen to a conversation in the next room. The noise of the conver-sation is still present. 38. The same principle holds true in sound masking systems.Sounds of both natural and artificial origins can be used for sound masking.39.Ifpeople listen for it, they can hear it, but they rapidly become accustomed to the noise, withmost people being unaware that a masking system is in use.____40. First, a sound masking system will never completely remove background noise.Secondly, it can not take away particularly sudden or loud sounds such as car alarms, sirens ora coworker who is unable to refrain from yelling into their phone. Finally, if you are looking toimprove a sound masking system into your current office, you will need to ensure you have theability to run wiring throughout your ceiling.A.However, the sound of the water can cover itB.People use sound masking for a variety of thingsC.People can also install their own sound masking systemsD.There are also some drawbacks of a sound masking systemE.The sound is usually designed to be harmonious and pleasantF.This elegant solution means whatever your business's unique needs areG. That loss of privacy and high potential for distraction are not only risky

上一篇:2023届高三西安地区八校联考(3月)英语试题答案 (更新中)