河南省2022-2023学年下期高三名校联考(三)英语试题答案 (更新中)






1.After awhile he remembered his a with Katherine at three o'clock but it was too late and____Katherine had already left.2.She smiled and held out her hand where a huge d ring glittered (闪耀) on her ring finger.____3.She's honest and r . You can trust her and tell her your real feeling.____4.The (嫌疑犯) has dark hair and green eyes.____5.After being under illegal house (拘捕) in Canada for almost 3 years, Men g Wan zhou fi-____nally returned to our motherland on September 25, 2021.6.The (天真无邪的) smile on the child's face drove away all my bad mood.____7.Ralph asked me t or my full-time job and be his assistant, because he needed someone____tto help him.8.Our govemment has put (大量的) funds into fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic.____9.Soft drink is more popular than (矿物质) water among young people.____The whole plan of the scientist 11 and he los t his 12 because he couldn't control him-self. At the same time, he had a(n) 13 weakness — pride. In fact, patience and modesty aregood qualities which will help us be calm and act 14 when we have to complete difficult tasks.Next time before making a 15 , be modest and patient and think twice.1.A.main B.subsequent C.original D.former


30.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 6 probably mean?A.Restricted. B.Related. C.Devoted. D.Exposed.

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