江西省2022-2023学年高三年级下学期联考英语试题答案 (更新中)






第二节(共 10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Tim and I talked a lot about his problems today, and I'm so glad that I could help my bestfriend.It also left me thinking about what it really means to be a “good friend”.In my opinion,the following qualities for m 56 basis of a friendship.____A good friend needs to be supportive. I always respect and support all the 57 (choose) he____makes and encourage him 58 (take) action to get over difficulties. I can see that Tim 59(make) great progress in balancing his project and his schoolwork since he came to high school.A good friend also needs to be selfless. Tim is the person 60 I should try my best to help,____even if it means more work for me. When he's struggling 61 his schoolwork, I 62 (definite)____ ____do all I can to help him become a more efficient learner. I'm sure that Tim would do the same forme.To me, a good friend brings out the best in a person.After 63 (chat) with Tim, I know____that our friendship will grow 64 (strong) than ever. I'll always value these qualities of agood friend and try to measure 65 (I) by these standards as our friendship develops.


33.Which of the following do most farmers do at present?A.Abuse the land for quick profit.B.Desert wide areas of plantations.C.Adopt modern technology to farm.D.Plant more trees to satisfy global need.

上一篇:中考必刷卷·安徽省2023年安徽中考第一轮复习卷(九)9英语试题答案 (更新中)
下一篇:琢名小渔河北省2023届高三专项定向测试英语试题答案 (更新中)