【赤峰320】赤峰市2023届高三年级第三次统一模拟考试英语试题答案 (更新中)






35. What's inferred from the lan pa graph?A. Scientists have tested out s her ks' speeds.B. Sharks make fri and s with oc another.C. Scientists get a smal successD. Some shak s enjoy living a lome.第一节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、1B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的融任选项I had a chance meeting the other day I was 4 a local convenience store when a voice called ou t ome. It was my friend, Rod Ad we went into the store together. We had first 4 in kindergarten and hhad been ons of my best friends all through gr de school, high school, and in te co liege.Although fun-loving and free-spirited(无拘无束的) , Rod bod goten me ito more than cacegrowing u. Ha had also been a fountain (源泉) of laughter and good cho er and my childhood had been somuch 4 dith him in it. He moved away to find work and it had been a ieast 30 yoars snce l last sawhim. Now we are talking. trying to 3 decades in a few mnules I also notice s on ching rt range abouthim. He looked in a word: "OLD".46soald be told tha t he looked much be ner than me. He was thin her and fit tei. He had f wet____4L At the same time, his hair was thicker and bad a lot less gray than mine. . when I get to see ary____own o aily deterioration(退化) in the each mom in g y pie ture of Rod was suck 30 years in the past.We said goodbye and cach other well and I went home feeling both yoang and oid at the same rimo.____I wondered where the la at 30 years had gone and I reemba red those joyous childhood ke they____were yesterday. It was very ____


30. What does“bossa nova”probably refer to in paragraph 4?A. A type of musicB.A generalist. C.A specialist. D.A company.

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