【湛江一模】湛江市2023年普通高考测试(一)英语试题答案 (更新中)






A.use lessshows what place the road leads to.A23合GGoogle Map ____-Sure. We won’t get lost iget lost if we follow the road.C. politely D. clearlyA. quicklyB. quietlycaa use the accident.t drive so fast. Or you ____C. shouldD.need


7.What might be Rook's advice for parents?B.AC.D.Making the playrooms absolutely clean.A.1Leaving high-touch surfaces dirty.l lowing kids to play in the garden.Replacing kids’ pets with artificial ones.

上一篇:2023年山西省初中学业水平测试信息卷(二)英语试题答案 (更新中)
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