天一大联考2023年高考冲刺押题卷(一)1英语试题答案 (更新中)






2.What kind of food will the speakers have?A.Mexican food. B.Chinese food. C. Japanese food.


to pretend to laugh. Laughter is 12 . When people pretend to laugh, most ped wit'snot real.When do people laugh?Only 10 to 20 percent of laughter is about something 13 . Most faught er is about beingfriendly with other people. Most laughter says, "I d on't want to w4 i with you. I want to befriendly with you." This kind of laughter brings people together.We often laugh when we feel nervous. In movies, there is often a joke at an exciting momentwhen everyone feels nervous. It is tsu all y a(n) 15 joke, but we laugh a lot. Our laughterhelps us 16 Why doesnt everyone laugh at the same joke?Not everyone has the same sense of 17 . Some people think a joke is funny, but otherpeople dont think so. People have diffe ent ideas about what is fim ny.____Our idea of what is funny changes with 18 . For young children, the world is new. They____ ____are interested in many things, so they laugh 19 . Teenagers often laugh to protectthemselves. Adults laugh at themselves and other people with similar problems. They laugh atthings that give them stress . our 20 for laughter change graduallyi bo as 11. A. when B. before C.after D.untilewan or12.A. honest B.difficult C. happy D. differentto sno b l13.A.crazy B.wonderful C. D.amazingIn qA14.A: laugh B.work C. play D.compete15.A.s mali B.biggC.interestingD.famous16 A. work B.exercise C."sleepD.relaxal now g norw17. A. smell B.duty C. humour D.safetyylotsibammi do dIwa ml I ts J18.A. knowledgeB.places c.time D. cultureaaw bia aorbo19.A. a little B. a lot C.loudly D. happilyaldiasoq pldizzoquni

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