2023年河南省初中学业水平考试全真模拟(一)英语试题答案 (更新中)






20.What kind of products do consumers desire according to the talk?A.Natural products.B.Creative products.C. Highly processed products.


阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The most important life lesson I've learned from running is to run at my own pace.This lesson has guided mein many ways.21 , it made me challenge the fixed expectations of retirement and aging.Running is a metaphor for life.I realized this while 22 for a marathon to celebrate my 60th birthday.________All the other runners being faster than me made me 23 . But my coach shared some valuable advice: run at____your own best pace. Setting a goal or target time could be a 24 . He was right.25 , Iran more________ ________easily and faster.I also enjoyed the experience much more.I have 26 this principle to other areas of my life.Finding a rhythm is not about 27 or how________ ________many things I can get done in a day.It has more to do with what I decide to do at this stage in my life.Running carries its own set of expectations, including what it meant to be a strong runner. But expectations also28 to other areas of life, including what people at certain life stages should be doing or not doing.________Expectations at myagecan 29 how leisure time is spent, decisions about employment and even the role of____a 30 .________I used to think it was young people who bore the brunt(冲击) of 31 , but older adults can experience it________too. This is 32 , because often later in life is a time when we are less inclined to care about the opinions of________others.That is the message my running coach was trying to convey . 33 what others are doing.____Their pace is not 34 the pace you should run at. Run in your own way.It's not better or worse -only____35 ________

上一篇:【甘肃一模】甘肃省2023届高中毕业班第一次模拟考试政治s试题答案 (更新中)